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FDA Certification

Some purchasers who dilute Prolong Lash Cleanser Concentrate to sell to customers may need to complete FDA certification as a “processor.”

We encourage you to review the Act and use the tools provided by the FDA to determine whether you may be required to comply, by applying for certification. If you do need to comply and certify your business, FDA certification process is straightforward and affordable.

Explore FDA Certification


Would you like to know more about the process of FDA Certification?

Our 24-hour a day LIVE chat team are ready to answer your questions.

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  • Private Label 100ml

    We now offer ready-made, unbranded foaming pumps, which allow you to apply your own business logo without needing FDA certification. The pump contains the same quality FDA certified Prolong Lash Cleanser as our Foaming Pumps.

    Private Label 100ml 
  • Cleanser Concentrate

    Prolong Lash Cleanser Concentrate is FDA-certified. You are allowed to dilute the concentrate with distilled water and apply your own label for use in your salon or to gift. If you intend to sell it, you may be required to apply for FDA certification as a processor.

    Cleanser Concentrate 
  • Prolong Lash Foaming Pump

    The world's most loved lash cleanser in a convenient, pre-mixed foam pump. Made with the same formula as our world-renowned cleanser concentrate. Our foaming pumps are FDA-certified and ready to sell to your customers.

    Prolong Lash Foaming Pump 
  • Private Label 60ml

    Make It Your Own!

    Our FDA-certified ready-to-use cleanser is now available in unlabelled 60ml foam pump bottles. This means you can create your own label and sell your brand
    of lash cleanser, no mixing or FDA-Certification required!

    Private Label 60ml