Eyelash extensions are a worldwide sensation, so it's no wonder that we're experiencing such high demand for our skills as lash artists. Lash extensions have been around for a while now, so it's reasonable that expect that most of our clients are knowledgeable about the application process but have you also experienced clients that are iffy about getting them done, blasting off an endless list of questions, and yet are 100 percent of those clients convinced by what you have to say? Eventually, they politely walk away with an "I'll have a think about it and come back to you" attitude.
From a client's perspective, it is pretty understandable that they feel apprehensive about risking the health of their natural lashes. Everyone has heard those horror stories about poorly applied extension and negligent aftercare routines, but from a lash artist's POV, it is on you to give clients the correct information. Your sound technical knowledge, advice, and empathy toward their concerns can convert a skeptical customer into a loyal client. Here are some tips on how to go about answering their volley of questions.
The lash extension process
Generically speaking, first-time clients mostly walk in without having much knowledge of lash application process. As a lash artist, you must run them through the process verbally and visually before undertaking the application.
During the consultation, you will; examine their lashes, discuss what lash style, shape, and thickness they have in mind while showing them your examples and advising them whether you think their selection is suitable for their eye shape, lash length, and thickness. You may also want to ask them about their eye health and any allergies or reactions they have had in the past. To be on the safe side, you should do an adhesive test on them to ensure they are not allergic to it. This information can allow you an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and experience to aid your client in making an informed decision.
Your expertise and technique as a lash artist

Every lash artist has a unique technique and work ethic. Make sure you explain it to your clients before you start the session. You may want to assure them of your skills and qualification as a lash artist, that the tools you work with are sterilized, and the equipment, including the glue you use for the job, is all high quality. It is essential to educate them about the shape of their lashes and how the lash application would enhance them. Inform them that choosing the proper lash to attach to their natural lashes will ensure a damage-free experience. It would also be good to explain how the natural lash cycle works, the growth of lashes after the extensions, the regular refill sessions, and the importance of good lash hygiene. By being honest and informative to your customers, you are also exuding your expertise and care for your clients that can work wonders for your business growth.
Maintaining lash health
You can't NOT emphasize the importance of washing their lashes as often as they can! Read How to manage client aftercare to guide you through a step-by-step process on how to encourage your clients to keep their lashes clean. Share photos of the aftermath of neglected lashes, if you can, to forewarn them. Our Prolong Lash Cleanser and Prolong Lash Foaming Packs are formulated especially for eyelash extensions and is sold by lash artists in over 80 countries and growing. All our clients love and trust Prolong Lash Cleanser because it keeps lashes clean, is gentle around the eye area and face, and is vegan-friendly.
Indeterminate area
As a lash artist, you are confident that with your skilled hands and carefully followed lash-hygiene instructions, your client's natural lashes will be safe. But there are certain conditions you need to consider outside the sphere of 'normal circumstances.' Eyelash extensions may not be suitable for some clients, even if they insist on having them. In such circumstances, it is best to ask them to get a clearance certificate from their medical practitioner stating it is safe to do on them. Look out for clients who have a medical history of:
- Blepharitis: This condition is an inflammation of the eyelids that causes greasy and itchy eyelids and redness around the eyes.
- Double eyelashes: A rare condition where you have two rows of eyelashes. One row may have a thinner, lighter, and less dense set of lashes. Sometimes, there are such symptoms, but individuals suffering from it may experience conjunctivitis, sensitivity to light, and cornea irritation.
- Skin cancer: Skin cancer on the eyelid causes cancer cells that affect eyelash growth.
- Alopecia: Is an autoimmune disease that attacks hair follicles, causing hair loss on the body, face, and head.
- Trichiasis: This condition makes lashes grow inwards toward the eyes, which causes irritation, redness, and tearing.
- Trichotillomania: A psychological disorder, also called a hair-pulling condition. This causes the individual to have an irresistible urge to tug the hair from their head, eyes, face, or body hair without being aware of it.
So when you're asked, "are eyelash extensions safe for my natural lashes"? The answer is yes if we've covered all our application and aftercare bases.